What’s Happening in Our Area

For the most recent information about business meetings, A&S gatherings, and armored practices please visit our Facebook group

Business meetings are held monthly, typically on the second Mondays at Muggs Coffee House and are open to the public.

Latest Past Events

Medieval Gathering in the Park

Freedom Park NC

Come join us for fun and comradery at Freedom Park! Directions: Your location to 35.1964346, -80.8386628 - Google Maps Take your best route to the Freedom Park entrance located off of East Boulevard. Depending on number of attendees and other activities in the park, we will be located off of the parking lot that is in front of the train.


Charlesbury Populace Get-Together

Mugs Coffee 5126 Park Rd #1d, Charlotte

Let's get together to catch up on what's going on and to work on projects.


Charlesbury Populace Get-Together

Mugs Coffee 5126 Park Rd #1d, Charlotte

Let's get together to catch up with fellow Canton members and work on projects.


If subscribing to the calendar, please make sure to enable Charlesbury Crossing events via your mobile device’s calendar app to stay up to date on the latest activities in the area.