What’s Happening in Our Area

For the most recent information about business meetings, A&S gatherings, and armored practices please visit our Facebook group

Business meetings are held monthly, typically on the second Mondays at Muggs Coffee House and are open to the public.

Baronial Business Meeting

The Mighty Meeple 8440 Pit Stop Ct., Concord, United States

Site opens at 1:00. meeting starts at 2:00. if you want to discuss anything at the meeting please let  Otto know ahead of time.


Practice at Rankin Lake Park

Rankin Lake Park 1750 Rankin Lake Rd, Gastonia, NC, United States

Interested in hanging out, talking about combat, or even joining in as we practice? Please contact our the canton’s Knight Marshal or you can also contact the canton’s Web Minister We have plenty of loaner gear to allow people to get a feel for the activity before making any commitments, but please let us know you're coming so we can pack it.

If subscribing to the calendar, please make sure to enable Charlesbury Crossing events via your mobile device’s calendar app to stay up to date on the latest activities in the area.